Saturday 20 July 2013

A Day in the Life of Shelley and Kev's 1066 Cake Stand. What's it like to run a vegan cake shop?

I am guest posting and guest sitting in Shelley and Kev's 1066 Cake Stand shop. It’s a real eye opener to the hard graft of working for yourself and running a shop. My hat off to you all. 
Shelley and Kev have a shop – The 1066 Cake Stand in Queen’s Road in Hastings and sells vegan cakes and savories and has been since 2012.

I normally work in an office so it is a right old treat to have the day off and be part of the comings and goings of a real live local shoppe.

I’ve been here since 11.30am and so much has happened today and yet it’s not even the book end of the day. We’ve had regulars coming in all morning for their weekly supplies of gluten free goodies, a lady who drove all the way from Crowhurst to pick up a giant vegan wedding cake for her daughter and a man from the council talking in dulcet tones about all the complexities of extending a license to include alcohol. Not any ole boozy woozy mind, but a select vegan and local beer and ale that is coming along soon. Hastings Vegan Brewery – very exciting and a marriage I approve of.


In my office, you don’t need to expect the unexpected but you DO it seems when you work on your todd in a shop. Shelley is like a skilled ninja of conversation and can talk to anybody who appears on her shop stop. At this very moment she is outside and touting her fresh bread to passers by. Ooh someone has just stopped to have a little crunch – a nice young chap having a nibble looking well chuffed; I can hear him promise to come back with his girlfriend to try some cake. Next there is a handsome man outside with, oh boo girlfriend/wife, and they’re sharing a nibble of gluten free bread on their way past. Cor you have to be brave to run a business. I do talk to people at work, but not in the way where I need to jolly them along into a purchase, more in a “pass the stapler” way. It’s a different world.

2.00pm - It’s all gone a little quiet. I think people are too weak from the heat to buy, eat, etc. Shelley said that the heat is like a slap in the face. Poignant.

2.45pm - how the landscape changes! A gaggle of 10 people are clamoring in the shop. What a surprise! A big group of workers on an away day from a Brighton nursery have popped out of nowhere and they seem well chuffed to find a vegan yum shop. You couldn’t predict that you would have a bale of hay one minute followed by a mass of people the next. Now the shop is teeming, everyone else wants a slice (ho ho) of the action and are all about the door and it feels all exciting like Christmas, except it’s boiling and not like Christmas at all.

3.00pm Shelley is all a busy bee now with doing business stuff on her computer  -  emails, invoices and oooh most exciting of all is the news that 1066 Cake Stand has been shortlisted for the 1066 “Eatery of the Year” award. So a posh black tie event is on the cards for next Friday and maybe a shiney award will be glinting in the window from next week. You will have to keep an eye out to see. Shelley reckons she will do a “Gwynth” if she wins and has to do a speech. Can’t wait to see her blub. Not really :-)

1066 Business Award category –
Eatery (Restaurant / Pub / Cafe) of the Year
Sponsored by: Bannatynes Spa Hotel, Hastings
Award for a local restaurant, café, pub that can demonstrate outstanding creativity,

customer service and top quality dining / food in the Hastings and Rother area.

The till is running through. Not sure if it is polite to ask how much is chugging through but it sounds like a healthy noise.

4.11pm Shop is shut. Shelley has just put some gluten free bread in front of me and I am going to have some. Yum.

4.00pm – nearly shutty up shop time. It’s all quiet now and Shelley is washing up and putting things away and getting ready for tomorrow with all the efficiency an cuteness of a little Disney character bird.

4.15pm I didn’t travel in a time machine! I got my times mixed up. I think it is time for me to go home. Bit pooped strangely and in awe of how many skills you need to work for yourself – a right old melee of conversationalism, friendliness, business acumen and not to mention being able to master the craft of bakery too.

Thanks for having me Shelley and Kev. I am going back to the office though where it is safe. Good luck on Friday, 26th of July. I hope you win.

You’ve got my vote, super woman!

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